How To Get Affordable Dental Implants


Consequences of Delaying Dental Implants


Postponing or forgoing dental implants may lead to long-term issues. Keeping a compromised tooth for an extended period can result in complications affecting other teeth. For instance, leaving a deteriorating tooth untreated may lead to a decline in bone density and level within a year. What initially required a simple dental implant may escalate to a more complex and expensive bone grafting procedure.


Other repercussions include potential shifts in adjacent teeth, necessitating orthodontic work, and difficulties in eating, which, if left untreated, can adversely affect oral health.


Affordable Options for Dental Implants




CareCredit offers a financing option for dental implants, allowing you to manage the cost through monthly payments. As dental implants are often viewed as elective procedures by insurance providers, coverage may be limited. CareCredit allows you to finance the procedure and make smaller monthly payments. Notably, if the surgery is paid within six, 12, 18, or 24 months, no interest is charged. Eligibility requires having the surgery at a location with registered providers.


Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)


Utilizing funds from a Flexible Spending Account is another avenue. Employees can allocate up to $2,750 of their pre-tax income to these accounts, contributing to expenses not covered by health insurance, such as dental implants. This option is especially beneficial for individuals without health or dental insurance, providing financial support for all or part of the procedure.

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Groupon, a leading platform for discounted products and services, extends its offerings to include dental implants. Users can find substantial savings, potentially up to 60%, depending on location. Groupon’s user-friendly interface and verified customer reviews ensure informed decisions and quality care.


Loans – Secured and Unsecured


If using a credit card is not preferred, applying for a loan, either secured or unsecured, is an alternative. Unsecured loans are suitable for individuals with a stable credit history, while secured loans require collateral. However, secured loans involve higher risk, and exploring other options before considering this choice is advisable.


Dental Insurance


Securing dental insurance, if not already in place, is a prudent step. While major procedures like dental implants may not be fully covered, having insurance can contribute to routine dental care costs such as cleanings and x-rays. Specific benefits may vary depending on the chosen health plan, potentially reducing the overall financial burden.


Borrowing from Retirement Plans


Individuals with retirement accounts can explore borrowing money from these funds to cover dental expenses. This option often does not require credit checks or approval based on credit scores. Repayment is typically made through payroll deductions, offering lower interest rates and the returned interest directly benefiting the account holder.


Explore Payment Options Online


In conclusion, dental implants are a long-term investment in oral health. Various payment options are available to make them more affordable. Choosing the right payment plan depends on individual financial circumstances, and exploring the available options online can help identify the most suitable one.

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